How long before I can get a credit report?

How long before I can get a credit report?

I’m 18 and recently started a new job. I’m in my 2nd week of training and the job pays well enough that I can easily make the monthly payments on a new car. But how long do I have to hold my job before a car dealership is willing to finance me? Also, what are some tips on building and keeping a good credit score at my age?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.

ARe there any loan companies out there who will work with poor credit-I do not want a payday loan.?
I’ve been divorced for about three years and would love to pay off some debts So far the only applications that I am able to access are for payday lenders. I am a high school teacher, have a good job and a good income. Are there any legitimate lenders out there who are willing to look at the total picture and not just a credit score? I would appreciate any advice"

Whats the difference between the best buy credit card and the reward zone mastercard?
Which one is better and why? What are the benefits of each? Thanks

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What company will give me a loan with a 532 credit score?
What company will give me a loan with a 532 credit score?

"Why are there easy cash"" title loan"
Why are there easy cash"" title loan"

Will i see my money after some claims a chapter 13 bankruptcy?
I put a judgement lien on someones property and they filed for a chapter 13 bankruptcy. they’re house was suppos to be auctioned on may 23,07. they also owe the bank…will i see my money at all?"

I make 1476 a month poor credit need loan?
can anyone tell me where i can get a loan with poor credit for 1500. not a payday loan. i realize it will be high interest.

Why does my mortgage company want me to refinance?
I understand that *I* can benefit from refinancing my mortgage to a lower rate. What I don’t understand is why my current mortgage company is evidently so motivated to make that happen — or at least they were for a few months recently. Not to sound cynical, but I don’t think their motivation in sending expensive express notices and calling me three or four times in the last few months is just to help *me*. They are a business, after all, and the only way they gain in the end is to make more money. How will they benefit by giving me a lower rate? I understand also that they may collect closing fees, but I hardly think those can be larger than the money they could get from allowing my current higher-interest loan to drag out to its full term."

What is a cash advance loan?
What is a cash advance loan?

Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy Question.?
I had to file chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2005 ..When can I file chapter 7 again under the new law and or when can I file for chapter 13???

What happens if you file for bankruptcy again while you are still bankrupt?
I am one year into a bankruptcy and am in heavy debt again for being a trusting fool. I know that I can apply for bankruptcy again and that it may be rejected. But I dont know what the consequences would be. Such as how long willl I stay bankrupt for?

Which mortgage company is best for VA home loans?
I’m a first-time home buyer and I want to use my VA home loan guarantee. Which bank/lending institution do you think is the best? I’m looking for a company that has great customer service and that is not going to charge me to process the loan.

Is there anyway for me to get an auto loan?
I am an 18 year old college student. I have never had a job besides Work Study at my college. I have one minor student loan and a cell phone in my name. I am trying to get an auto loan for about $5,000. My mom will pay the car payment, but she is unable to get the loan personally. Does anyone have any valid suggestions?"

Statistics normal approximation?
Historically, the default rate on a certain type of commercial loan is 20 percent. If a bank makes 100 of these loans, what is the approximate probability that at least 25 will result in default? (Note: use normal approximation to the Binomial. And, by continuity correction, you should use the midpoint between 25 and 26.) a.0.2000 b.0.0668 c. 0.0838 d. 0.0336"

How do you know which personal loans are risky?
I wanted to apply for a personal loan from a company I’ve never heard of but their offering me a personal loan guaranteed. What are some things I should look out for when dealing with these type of companies so I don’t get taken for a ride?

Opening a Scottrade account…credit check?
I am looking into opening an online account with Scottrade and read on some forums that they pull a hard credit check when you apply? Is this true? Also, are there any account cancellation or fund withdrawal fees? In general, how does Scottrade compare with other online brokers for a beginning investor? Thanks!"

Paying a mortgage at 20 please help?
I don’t know what to do. My parents house is in the process of being reprocessed. They are in debt of 60,000. They have given my dad 6 month, paying 400 per month, to pay off interest and give him time to think about what to do. My dads plan is to sell the house to my brother and me. My brother is 27 and works at KFC, I don’t think he works full time. I am 20 and work full time at Sainsburys. I’m really unhappy about this plan. I do not want my name on a mortgage at all. I said to my dad I will help him pay with via rent but I do not want to put my name on a mortgage. My dad doesn’t want that, he wants my name on the mortgage so he has longer to pay. He said they won’t give him a mortgage. He wants to sell the house interest only to me and my brother but we will be in the same situation in 25 years time. We will be the ones in debt of 60,000. Please please any advice on what to do will be helpful. I just don’t know anymore. Would me and my brother even be accepted?"

Can you get a home loan if you have judgements?
Can you get a home loan if you have judgements?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"I can’t make my mortgage anymore, should I shortsell if possible or go into chapter 7 bankruptcy? In SLC UT"
I was planning on filing for chapter 7, but my realtor suggested a shortsell since my bank will accept short sells said that would be the better option and I can still file for bankruptcy later if the shortsell does not work. He said I can still stop making my mortgage payments. I don’t know what to do. My realtor said that I will not owe anything at closing, but my bank let me know that if they do a short sell they may come after me for the difference, and I would rather go bankrupt than have that happen. Also the lady who I was looking at filing bankruptcy with said that there was no difference between her and doing a short sell, only that the realtor would get a cut. I don’t understand why she would say that because it seems like I would walk away breaking even with a short sell as long as i was gaurenteed no after collection, and a bankruptcy would ruin my credit for 7 years. Please someone who is not as ignorent as me in the subject please give me some advice"

How to do refinances my car loan with bad credit?
i have a car loan on a 2008 ford, that is $16,865, i want to put 7,000 on to the car loan and i have that money the refinance my credit is bad filed Bankruptcy 4 years ago. i want o refinance my loan to 9,865 the bank that has to loan will not do it and can’t find one that will anyone have any options for me."

Does anyone know if you can still recieve a RAL if you’ve filed for bankruptcy?
We’re going to file today and I just didn’t know if anyone knew….thanks!

Related Rates: What rate is the area of the square increasing?
COULD SOMEONE HELP WITH THIS PROBLEM? Each side of a square is increasing at a rate of 6 cm/s. At what rate is the area of the square increasing when the area of the square is 16 cm^2?

Who are a good payday loan lender?
Appart from wonga, paydayuk, payday express and quikquid anyone know other payday lenders in the UK"
How long before I can get a credit report?
I’m 18 and recently started a new job. I’m in my 2nd week of training and the job pays well enough that I can easily make the monthly payments on a new car. But how long do I have to hold my job before a car dealership is willing to finance me? Also, what are some tips on building and keeping a good credit score at my age?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
How to write email to boss for petty cash?
I working at site I want some amount in advance so how to write email

"$10,500 (60 months) auto loan on 13,000 yearly income.?
Thanks Rick B. You’re soooo smart. I totally hadn’t considered that. I’ll be out of college in a year genius. Stick to answering the question.

Can I talk my way into a loan?
I just turned 18 and need a auto loan of about 4,000 – 4,500. Me and my father are known at the bank and own a local business and I am listed as a owner. I also have had a checking account with them for about 2 years. Essentially what Iam asking is, Is it a set in stone variables as to if you get approved or can the bank workers approve me as they know me?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Does it matter where you work at to claim bankruptcy?
Does Bankruptcy effect your employment

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Need advise on an auto loan?
i want to perches a 20014 mustang gt the car is priced at 27000 i have 15k to put down but i don’t have the best credit around 570-600 i lost my job couple years back and my credit took a hit on a repo do you think i will get a loan on it i would be well under the vale of the car so the bank would would not have much risk if it came to a repo but i would not like that to happen again i have a truck i drive mostly it will be a daily summer only car if i cant have it i don’t want anything else so pleas don’t suggest it im asking here because i don’t want to waste a dealers time if nobody thinks it will happen thanks

Sss salary loan balance inquiry?
salary loan balance sss# 33-6625364-0

Aren’t we entitled to a free credit report every year?
Where do u get it from?

Can someone use a prepay visa card for porno site video cam.?
I just wana if u can do that.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"I just applied for a capital one auto loan, how long does it take before you know what your APR is?
I applied and got a email less then a min. after saying that they are sending my auto loan package to me in the mail in 3-5 days but it doesnt say what the APR is. Do I have to wait for it to get here before I know? Also am I already approved seriously because my credit isnt perfect *score of 610* Has anyone used a auto loan from capital one? What should I expect?

Will filing for bankruptcy keep a person from being able to try getting a financial advisor job?
Will this be taken into consideration? At a company like American Express or Edward Jones?

Can you get a loan with fair credit history?
My boyfriend works full time he has ok credit not great but not bad, we have a one year whome i look after all day and night as he works nights… our washing machine broke last week, now are cooker has broken also my telly stand callopsed so out tellys on the floor witch isnt good… we also need a bed frame as we have been sleeping on the floor since we moved we we just cudnt afford…. but my boyfriends wadge has gone up and werw getting more money now… but with all this that we need eg: cooker washing machine urgently we just cant do… if there any kind of loans/credit cards we can get pretty instant? thanks."

Could my credit card application be denied because I put my zip code incorrectly?
When I was doing the application I accidently messed up on one digit of my zip code and i’m wondering if that might be why it was denied. Its for an AMEX card. My credit is fine and I have an AMEX card already in excellent standing but the one I applied for has better rewards. I thought it said I was approved at first but then I got an email stating I was denied. Since I already have an AMEX card maybe they compared one address with another? Since it has better rewards does that mean its harder to get? I’m going to try again in 30 days with the correct zip code.

All of the following statements about the annual rate of return method are correct except that is?
a. does not consider the time value of money. b. ignores the salvage value of an investment. c. compares the annual rate of return to management’s minimum rate of return. d. indicates the profitability of a capital expenditure.

How do you calculate a monthly mortgage payment by hand?
I know there are online payment calculators but I am trying to make an excel spreadsheet calculator and I need to know the equations used to get the results. For example, calculate the monthly payment on a $220,000 loan over 30 years at 5.5% interest."

Home loan – IT declaration!!!?
My wife & I are both borrowers for Home loan while the property is only in my name. Can we both file declaration?

"Where can I get $50,000 at 8% interest payable in 60 month installments? Payment monthly will be $1,013.82.?"
Yearly income is $93,000.00 with additional income during year for a total of $120,000.00 yearly. We have no no bankruptcy and no defaults on any loans ever. This is for a debt consolidation due to medical expenses and other items. Most cards to be consolidated are already closed."

Does anyone know much about bankruptcy?
I have REALLY bad credit and it’s ruining my life. Should I file for the big B""? I don’t know what else to do at this point. I have 3 of those stupid cash advances going right now"

Can I claim interest paid on payday loans as a deduction on my income tax return?
Can I claim interest paid on payday loans as a deduction on my income tax return?

Would you say that the online payday loan industry in the UK is saturated?
i have approximately 500,000 pounds"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

DA 5960 National Guard re-enlisting?
I need help filling out my DA 5960 dose any one know a great web site that has instructions. Re-enlisting. When I first went in I was not married . IM married -2 kids-home owner-station in las vegas Thank you GO GUARD!!!
How long before I can get a credit report?
I’m 18 and recently started a new job. I’m in my 2nd week of training and the job pays well enough that I can easily make the monthly payments on a new car. But how long do I have to hold my job before a car dealership is willing to finance me? Also, what are some tips on building and keeping a good credit score at my age?
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.

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