Can you qualify to lease a car with a credit score of 680 and a bankruptcy on your record?

Can you qualify to lease a car with a credit score of 680 and a bankruptcy on your record?

The bankruptcy was like 5-6 yrs back

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2isfalamonsconc

Is APR the same thing as monthly interest on a credit card?
Will I be charged interest monthly or annually on a card with an APR? Or both? I use a credit card to pay my tuition so I’m not burdened with paying back loans later. So far, I have been at a community college and have had zero percent interest credit cards and it has been no big deal. I’m not accruing more of a balance than the cost of tuition because I pay it off completely before the zero percent runs out. However, I no longer have a zero percent card AND I am starting my Bachelor’s degree which is exponentially more expensive! So, is a card with 0% APR the same thing as what I was doing before, or would I be accruing monthly interest? Thank you for your help and I hope this question is clear enough."

I’m trying to get a loan with bad credit and that is not a home loan or a payday loan.Can you help me?
I want to get a loan and i have really bad credit and i dont want a home or a payday loan.Can you help me

I am interested in starting a restaurant. Grant and Loan info Please!?
I am a woman and am interested in grants and low interest loans. I am not interested in a million little companies taking my credit card info to send me a free packet though. Anyone have any legit info on a good website or 2?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Ohio?
A friend of mine is having to file for it in Ohio, and was wondering if they would loose heir laptop/computer has part of it."

Does your Credit Card company support you with a free credit report?
If not how can u view your credit free or something

"How much money do I need to make to qualify for a $300,000 home loan?"
I’m looking into buying my first home, and am trying to figure out how much I need to show that I make to qualify for around a $300,000 home loan. My credit scores range from 710-720, I have one car paid off already, am now making payments on my new car, all the payments are on time (or early). I have one credit card that is always paid off on time. 80% of all my income comes from tips, so I need to figure out how much of my tips I need to put in the bank everyday to show that I am making enough money or if I need to pick up some more shifts at work to afford it. I’m most likely going to be putting between $10-15 grand down for down payment. Any help/advice would be great! Thanks."

How can one build good credit after bankruptcy and late payments?
How can one build good credit after bankruptcy and late payments?

What are some ways to check your credit reports and identity for free?
I already checked my free annual reports (3). But, if someone got a hold of my info, and is keeping a credit card, or buying stuff in my name and #’s, HOW do I find this out?"

What credit card will I qualify for with a FICO score of 632??
Dont need credit advice, just a simple answer to the question. Thank You in advance."

"Will I be approved for speedy cash installment loan of $2,600?"
First, I’d like to ask if anybody has done this before. Speedy Cash offers a $2,600 installment loan in which you pay back over a period of time and are only charged interest for the time you use the money. If you’ve been approved for this, my second question is in what standing? What was your credit score at the time you were approved for the loan? income? I just want to know if I have a chance of being approved. My credit score is in the low 600’s and all my credit cards are in good standing. but is a credit score of 620 enough?"

Hfree free credit reportow can i cancel my?
i want to cancelmy free credit report

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do I obtain a credit report?
I’m going through the hiring process for several PDs and I need a credit report mailed to me from either Experian or Trans Union, I looked at their websites, and there doesn’t seem to be an option for mailing…"

Which bank gives loan on gold at lowest interest?
also the bank should pay highest amount against pledged gold

How Can I Fix my Bad Credit?
I recently came back from Europe and ran my credit and noticed I had all type of old collections, I am super busy and dont want to get stuck with mountains of paperwork."

3 months back in bankruptcy can I refile again?
So if they dismiss the case. Will the bank foreclose on our house. ? We pay our house payment separately from our chap 13.. They said we could not file a chap 7 because we did not owe enough money to others. We only owed about 5000.00 to creditors Plus our 98,000.00 mortage."

Where can i get a payday loan?
Is there anywhere i can get a payday advance loan.. i dont work but my partner does he works full time. his hasnt got a bank account so his wages go into my account.. iv seen a few but they need to go in my partners name and bank account but he doesnt have an account.. does anybody no where i can get a payday advance loan.

How can I get a payday or personal loan in Ga?
Well I really don’t have much family. My brother is in Iraq, and he only calls like every month. My mom and dad are dead. And as for friends I don’t think any of them could afford $880.00 … I kind of feel like hopeless in this. But thanks for everyone’s answers. And honestly every payday loan site i’ve been too said they don’t do pay day loans in Ga something about the laws."

Can a credit card company charge me a cash advance finance charge?
If I have never taken out a cash advance?

What isthe minimum needed to make it a month to get a used car auto loan?
Like 1200?

Remove ads at bottom of inbox?
Have used Yahoo mail for over 10 yrs. never had this issue before. Recently started seeing ads at the bottom line of my Inbox. It throws the whole list of Folders on the left side off. Most times I can not access the inbox as the folders are raised higher and blocking the Inbox etc. Please help me remove these ads. Usually for a Free Credit Score.. Please advise…

What’s the best way to monitor your credit?
Free annual report? (e.g., Monthly credit checks? (e.g., with a paid membership to What’s your method? what method would you NOT recommend? thanks!"

Please help me on this word problem?
A credit card company reported that during one decade, its average cardholder’s credit card balance rose 166%. Find the average rate of change in the credit card balance from 1992 to 2002. The average rate of change over the 10-year period was $__ per year. (Round to the nearest cent.) Thank you so much. Its not my fault. I never learned any of this."

Employer asking for a credit report?
I applied for a job online last week and got an email from the company’s human resource department yesterday asking me to fill out an online application and then I will be called for an interview. Okay, this is fine but during the application, it asked me to go to this other site to get a free credit report in which I am supposed to print out and bring in with me at the interview. This seems a little fishy to me. Any thoughts? BTW: The job I’m applying for is an IT Help Desk Assistant. I don’t think that I’ll be involved with any of the company’s finances or books."

Whats a really good quick loan place?
hi i just bought a couple businesses and it really drained all my money! lol i have bills due and i cant pay them yet until i start getting money in. i really dont want tons of killer late fees and i dont want my credit to go really bad. i need a little money quick!! and i dont really want to do a payday loan because u endup paying double what u borrowed! anyone have any suggestions on where i can turn? help a young mom out! =) thanks!! btw i have good credit. i always pay everything back pretty dang quick….
Can you qualify to lease a car with a credit score of 680 and a bankruptcy on your record?
The bankruptcy was like 5-6 yrs back
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2isfalamonsconc
What is better Debt settlement or bankruptcy 13?
What is better Debt settlement or bankruptcy 13?

What is the best free anime creator software?
for windows 7

"Where can I obtain an UNSECURED loan for around $120,000? My credit score is 721 with a lot of debt. Thanks?"
Where can I obtain an UNSECURED loan for around $120,000? My credit score is 721 with a lot of debt. Thanks?"

Where do I get a free credit report online?
Do you know any sites w/o SSN?

How can I find out my credit score (NOT report) for free?
I know how to get my credit report for free from all 3 agencies so I don’t want info about that. I want my 3 digit credit SCORE but I don’t want to sign up for any trials or programs to do it. I did it that way one year and it was nearly impossible to cancel the trial membership.

What is the maximum amount of judgements you’ve received? How much money were you in debt?
Have any of you went through major life changes which you financial debt, to the point where it was overwhelming? If so, what is the MAXIMUM amount of judgements that have been brought against you at one time, before you filed bankruptcy? 2? 3? 10? ect? How many times have you filed bankruptcy? Also, what is the maxium amount you were ever in debt at one point? $5000, $10,000, $20,000, or more? Creditors don’t care if you had medical problems, or were in a coma for weeks. They just want their money. Thanks"

Who do we file a complaint with on the company who finances our auto loan?
In a phone conversation today the man even mentioned we always make our payments on the 15th or the last day of the month and asked is that when you get paid. We said yes. We are not behind in our payments as far as not making them we haven’t missed a payment at all. It was just last months payment was late a few days and now they say they changed their policies that it must be no later than 48 hours late or they will begin calling everyone. He was calling days before the payment was even due demanding we give him a post dated check for the one that was past due and also for the upcoming month that isn’t due until April 24th.

"Bankruptcy, whats the difference between chapter 7, 11 and chapter 13?"
Bankruptcy, whats the difference between chapter 7, 11 and chapter 13?"

Question about Bankruptcy?
We filied a Chapter 13 back in 2006 and with that we can’t get any loans with out the trustees approval first but i didn’t know that till after I got this one small loan and we have moved since all this and found the paper work. I have had the loan for allmost 9mos and has been paid on time and we did it with out the permission If they found out buy our taxes this next yr that we have one. do you Know if they would just dissmiss our bankruptcy or what? It’s really bothering me and don’t know what to do we have 1 and a 1/2 yrs left for this bankruptcy and we have a % of what we have to pay back to the court for the old creditors so if anyone has gone threw this let me know. We didn’t know all the stuff we couldn’t do till I found the paper work from the lawyers office they where so slow. Thanks

"If I dont need car insurance from living in New Hampshire, do I need it while driving in Massachussetts?"
Hey assholes.. enough of the pep rally speach about penguins have cold feet. the question is if the state you live in does not require insurance and y ou travel in a state that requires insurance, do you have the new hampshire umbrella to your details. if a guy hits me if i hit a guy. errrrr beeeeeppp irrelevant information errrr beeeeeepp weeerrrrr waaaahhh uhhhh arrrrrr"

Has anyone gotten a loan from National Capital Lending?
I have an offer to get a 20,000 loan from them with a 1400 down payment. Their website is not working. Does anyone have any knowledge of the company? Are they legitimate or will they take my money and disappear? Thanks."

How can I buy a house lost to bankruptcy?
I am renting a house that is going to be lost to a bankruptcy. How do I get the first chance to buy it so I don’t have to move out?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Question about TransUnion free credit report?
Hi everyone, I try to get a free credit report on —-> TransUnion website. But I don’t know why it said: Privacy Protection The Identity Security System isn’t able to confirm your identity. Explanation: The Identity Security System confirms your identity through a series of questions based on accounts and personal information contained in your Personal Credit Report. The system was unable to get enough information from the Personal Credit Report to complete this process. What to do: Please return to and order your Personal Credit Report by phone or mail. I am sure all the information I enter is correct and I tried 6 times already, but I got the same message. I don’t want ot order by mail and phone, because I need to wait 2 -3 weeks. Can someone help me please? PS: I got a free report on equifax few day ago(I want a new on from TransUnion because I want to compare them). Is this the reason why I can not get the new report from TransUnion."

"My bankruptcy CH 7 was discharged 01/2006, when can I file again?"
my chapter 7 was discharged january 2006. So to file again I think it’s 8 years, but can you tell the estimated month and year that I can file again?"

What should i expect for an interest rate for an auto loan?
I have $1000 for the down pmt. I want to draw the terms out as long as possible to get the lowest monthly payment, maybe six years. My credit score is around 650, but i’ve been told that is only significant for revolving credit accounts."" i have high student loan debt"

Does anyone know any unsecured credit cards for less than perfect credit?
with the secured u have to give money as collateral im wondering if theres another way….

Hi i was wondering if anyone knew any company that would give out a pay-day loan for a university student , based on next payment from student finance’s .I’m aware of they only ask for a snapshot of Ur next pay-day. I need something similar please as the amount they offered is short of what i urgently need.Thanks in advance"

Why do a lot of people not know about credit related issues?
This is not to offend anyone, whatsoever. I didn’t know about credit until I was 20 years old and in college. I even had a credit card at the time. There seems to be a lot of questions and problems about credit that society has no idea about. Do you think it’s the education system? Is it because you only get one free credit report a year, thus making it a turn off having to pay to keep up with your credit rating? Just wanted to see what others thought."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Historically, why have high inflation rates tended to be associated with high nominal interest rates?
A. The real interest rate needs to be high enough so that individuals can expect their savings to have greater purchasing power in the future than in the present. B Growth in investment and savings is encouraged when consumers are judged to be overspending. C. Individuals will spend more when they expect their investments to increase in value. D. High inflation leads to a decrease in purchasing power and thus increases to attractiveness of investment over consumption in the short term.

"Will i get my taxes back after filing bankruptcy $83,000 debt (chapter 7).my lawyer wants to look at my taxes?
my lawyer wants me to bring in my tax papers before i file them so he can decide what to do with my taxes……my lawyer told me before i filed that he will not look at my taxes now all of a sudden he wants to look at my taxes something throws up a red flag at me.

"Can anyone recommend a good Bankruptcy attorney in Stockton, Ca? Or recommend a good website that can help?"
Can anyone recommend a good Bankruptcy attorney in Stockton, Ca? Or recommend a good website that can help?"

How to make more peasants in battle realms?
I had discovered how to make this last time but I forgot. Can anybody tell me how to do it again? I know, It’s a strategy. And also if anybody knows the strategies to activate the other cheats, can you also tell me? thanks…"

Should I tell my family I’m a millionaire?
I’m an online marketer, and I make money through affiliate commissions. The money comes in on auto pilot and yesterday morning my account finally reached a little bit over a million dollars.. I work very hard, and I have no social life and no friends and never created a real conversation with my family. However, I do love my family but nobody helped me to become who I am today; I can finally label myself as a self made millionaire. I moved out of my parents house last month and told them that if they needed anything let me know. My parents still live in the same house since they gave birth to me, and I pay for their rent, bills, cell phone etc.. My brother’s and sister’s still live with their parents, but I will only help them if they ask. I take them out to eat and give them what they asked for. What they don’t know is I’m a millionaire, and I don’t want to tell them I’m worth 7 figures because I could be taken advantage of. Next month, I’m flying them out to Thailand so they can get to see their long lost Mamas and papa, grandmas and grandpas. It’s going to be a great journey, but I will remain humble. My next move is to recover all the years I wasted.. I wasted about 10 to 15 years and didn’t have a social life in high school and in college. It’s been a very tough and quiet life. My next move is the search for a mate and hopefully she’ll love me for who I am. David K"
Can you qualify to lease a car with a credit score of 680 and a bankruptcy on your record?
The bankruptcy was like 5-6 yrs back
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=WP2isfalamonsconc

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